My first image, I am submitting an image of J.T. It was a beautiful warm day, the sun was bright and the original image, showed a few shadows on his face because the sun was at his side (bottom image). He is a beautiful older horse and I adore him. He kept following me around in his pasture wanting attention, but it was a busy day and I hadn't planned on a trail ride, so he was frustrated at me. You cannot tell in the picture though, he is so majestic and is full of pride. :) I lightened up the picture (top image), and dropped my contrast down, just so you could see more of his face and not as many shadows. The downside to this, is I lost the richness of the sky.
Picture two: Crop.
In the original image of the geese, the frame around them is a bit busy and somewhat bland. You can see shadows of trees, in the front of the frame for example, so I cropped the image, making them the focus.
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